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Forbes Says Privacy Geared Phones Aren’t What’s Selling… You know what that means? Your phone l…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Government, Identity Theft | Posted on 07-07-2016

Forbes Says Privacy Geared Phones Aren't What's Selling…

You know what that means? Your phone likely isn't secure.

Identity Theft Protection is pennies a day for peace of mind always, a quick catch in the event and restoring damage.

If the device itself isn't protecting you, find someone who will. You've come to the right place.

People aren’t buying privacy-focused smartphones

Court documents have revealed that demand for Silent Circle’s Blackphone was nowhere near expected.




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Why A Legal Plan Is Important

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 05-07-2016

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ShareFollow UsWhen it comes to legal problems, you don’t want to mess around. Getting hung up in an avoidable legal bind is something that can trash your future without even lifting a finger. Whether it’s an eviction, traffic ticket, or a lawsuit, a legal plan can cover you in case of emergency.   A Legal Plan Keeps Your Family Safe Your family is the people that you want to protect in case of legal attack, but they are also often…

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Everything LLC You Never Want To Look Up Yourself

Posted by ITPN Writer | Posted in Financial Advisement | Posted on 05-07-2016

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LLC, A Distinct Legal Entity, A Limited Liability Company

How To Start An LLC:

Maybe More Importantly, What Is It?

  1. LLC VS Sole Proprietorship VS Partnerships VS S Corporations. What is it not?
    1. Sole Proprietorship – google says, “Also known as the sole trader or simply a proprietorship, is a type of business entity that is owned and run by one natural person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.”
      1. An LLC is NOT you. There is a legal distinction between you and your business.
    2. Partnership – google says, “A partnership is a single business where two or more people share ownership. Each partner contributes to all aspects of the business, including money, property, labor or skill. In return, each partner shares in the profits and losses of the business.”A multiple member LLC is actually more common.
      1. SMLLC, single member LLCs, were recently up for debate in some of states. Luckily all 50 states allow them, otherwise there would have been a question about SMLLC is some states being recognized in other states. All is set for GO!
    3. S Corp – Is a little more complex.
      1. The jist:  an S Corp is to avoid double taxation…once to the government and another time to share holders. Here is an article about it.
        1. An LLC doesn’t have shareholders.
      2. In a S Corp you pass the profits and losses through your personal tax return
      3. The S stands for Small. 
      4. Good news, you could get S Corp status for your LLC.
    1. Corporation – a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
      1. Theses are the Top 6 Reasons to Incorporate
        • Personal asset protection
        • Tax flexibility and incorporation tax benefits
        • Enhanced credibility
        • Brand protection
        • Perpetual existence
        • Deductible expenses
      2. Did you  know you can incorporate your business in any state you want? Some states are better for your bottom line.
  2. If you are ready to get your business process going but don’t have money to make money
    1. Click here to get a loan. llc
    2. Click here to enter for a $1000 Best Buy gift card to stock that business, whatever sort you choose





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What’s Uncle Sam’s is Uncle Sam’s,…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 29-06-2016

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Our Banking Practices Go All The Way Back To The Roman Empire

What’s Uncle Sam’s is Uncle Sam’s, and if it’s a bank, it’s going to invest that dollar by giving it away as a loan, and it comes back with interest and it goes out as a loan, and it comes back with interest, and it goes out as a loan…on and on since #1401.

Actually the oldest continuously, since 1472, operating bank. is Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in Italy. The original goal of the bank was to offer charitable loans to the poor, and it came back with interest and goes out as another loan to the poor, and it comes back…you got it?

Credit Unions on the other hand are a rather new thing! Only since #1908. Read this Article from #ITPN  to know the differences and advantages of each.

Breaking It Down: Bank Vs. Credit Union – THE INCOME TAX PLANNING NETWORK

Technology, Speed and Convenience! Bank Has It. Banks have a long history: 1472 Credit Unions have a shorter history: 1908 Banks are for profit. They do not hold your money for you. They invest it. Credit unions are not for profit. They are not non-profit. They invest the profits into it’s account owners in the …

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Breaking It Down: Bank Vs. Credit Union

Posted by ITPN Writer | Posted in Personal Finance | Posted on 29-06-2016

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Technology, Speed and Convenience!  Bank Has It.

Banks have a long history: 1472

Credit Unions have a shorter history: 1908


Banks are for profit. They do not hold your money for you. They invest it.

Credit unions are not for profit. They are not non-profit. They invest the profits into it’s account owners in the form of lower interest rates and reducing fees.

Banks focus on advertising, to convince you they are the best business around and lobbying, to convince the government to reduce or impose regulations that maximize their profit, and risk assessment to please the investor.

Credit Union focus on cooperative effort and customer service because you are a member, part owner. It’s not a checking account, it’s a “shared draft”. And it’s like the senate…every member gets one vote in electing board members. That’s pretty cutting edge for democracy if you know anything about how our President is elected in the U.S.

Banks Are Easier To Work With But Credit Unions Work With You Better

Banks keep longer hours in more locations with more ATMs. Automated everything! The kinks in online banking have been well worked out by big banking. They don’t want to serve your in person, that’s just inefficient use of time when maximizing profit.

Credit unions close early. That’s a great perk for their employees, isn’t it? They want you in their branch, and building that relationship is priority and key. But it can be hard to get cash out at 5:30 in some other town…not without really high fees of using a bank’s ATM.

It’s easier to travel internationally with a bank, rather than a credit union.

Both institutions are safe for your funds thanks to FDIC for Banks (oh, AND the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency AND the Federal Reserve) and the National Credit Union Agency, NCUA is tasked with operating and managing the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.boxing-1295890_960_720

Customer Service and Lower Interest Rates! Credit Unions Have Got You.


Regardless of where you bank you really need great credit to get great interest rates. You can indirectly BUY credit, did you know? Click here to check out the Sub Prime Credit Store. 




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Why Credit Repair Can Change Your Life

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance | Posted on 29-06-2016

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You might think bad credit only keeps you from getting a credit card or loan, but it goes furthemaxresdefault credit repairr than that. Bad credit can leave you homeless, carless, and jobless. That’s because more and more businesses are using your credit to make decisions about you. Still not convinced it’s time to get your credit act together? Credit Repair is for you.

Expert Knowledge About Credit Repair

A professional credit repair service is familiar with all laws which govern the credit industry. This means that you have an expert with intricate knowledge of the credit repair process on your side. On the other hand, you may not be familiar with all of these laws and may accidentally hurt your credit further.

Errors on Your Credit Report

According to a recent study, over 79% of credit reports contain errors, that’s almost 4 out of 5 reports. If you find that you have inaccurate information reporting on your credit report, a professional credit repair service can help you fix your credit fast.

It’s a Lengthy Process

Creditors, collection agencies, and credit bureaus use every loophole available to them to make sure that fixing your credit won’t be a fast process. They know that most consumers get discouraged and give up quite easily when faced with a long tedious process and some strongly worded legal letters.  By hiring a professional to help you repair your credit, you are retaining the services of a professional who will make sure that your credit is fixed in a legal and timely matter.

images credit repair



So honestly, Credit Repair just makes your life much much less stressful. The Sub Prime Credit Store has amazing resources that will maximize your Credit Repair experience, as well as being the one-stop-shop for all of your financial needs. Don’t let bad credit weigh down you life any longer. Take advantage of The Sub Prime Credit Store.

The post Why Credit Repair Can Change Your Life appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.




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Rent Reporting = Easiest Way To Build Credit

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance | Posted on 28-06-2016

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A lot of people who don’t have much in the way of a credit history do have a history of paying rent on time. If that information showed up on their credit reports, it might help their scores. Rent Reporting can change the credit game for many people.

1 in 3 people in the US pay rent. That equates to 100 million people paying over $300 Billion in rent annually with very few getting credit for their on-time payments. That makes rent the largest expenditure with the least impact on a consumer’s credit report. But not anymore! This is where Rent Reporting changes the game.

How does rent reporting compare with other types of credit building?

Other credit-building strategies rely on more traditional methods. You can get a secured credit card, for example, or a credit-builder loan. Revolving debt, such as credit cards, and installment loans are considered in virtually every credit score.

BlankCheque rent reporting

Rent information will help lenders that are prospecting for possibly creditworthy people who have been overlooked. Also, if you have rent reporting information on your credit report, it could help you if you rent again later. Because lenders prefer a renter that has a history of paying on time.

                                                                                     Right For You?

RFor-rent-sign rent reportingent payment reporting will have a significant impact for younger consumers with limited, or nonexistent, credit history. These consumers can’t get a credit card in just their name until they are 21, so rent reporting is a great way to get a jump start on building a solid credit profile. Also for people that are trying to rebuild a credit score so that they can be approved for larger loans or mortgages.

So, while sending a rent check in the mail helps keep a roof over your head, it does not help establish your good reputation with anybody except your landlord. Start securing your financial future by using online rent payments services today so you can set it, forget it, and build credit history.


The post Rent Reporting = Easiest Way To Build Credit appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.




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Why Identity Protection Is Important For You

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Financial Advisement, Government, Identity Theft, Personal Finance | Posted on 28-06-2016

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You would never leave your car unlocked in a busy parking lot with your life’s savings in the back. So you should take another look at how you think about your identity. It’s understandable that you don’t think about it. It’s not as tangible as physical money or valuables, but it is just as, if not more, important to protect. Identity protection is much more vital to your safety than you think

Under538672405_1280x720 identity protectionstanding Your Risk Without Identity Protection

The bad things that can happen to you when you are without backup can be staggering.




  • You can not only lose money, but you can be fully responsible for what happens with that money. There is a paper trail leading directly back to you.
  • It doesn’t take a super genius to steal your identity. Anyone can do it though many different channels; way too many for you to personally monitor. Identity Protection can monitor all of those possibly weak areas for you.
  • It can destroy not only your credit, but it can wreck your future all together. Without the proper protection, someone can go around for years pretending to be you — using your credit, money, and your face.


Don’t Let It Happen To Youshield-1086703_960_720 identity protection

There are options for you to keep yourself protected. The Sub Prime Credit Store has top notch Identity Protection to keep you safe and confident. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. Get Identity Protection today.





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Minimum .33 Cents Per Day To Avoid Identity Theft Calamity

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Identity Theft | Posted on 27-06-2016

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The U.S. News posted an article that did this odd thing. It argued against having an identity protective service. But pointed out how necessary protection is, “Identity theft has been the No. 1 consumer complaint for 14-straight years, according to the Federal Trade Commission, but it seems identity theft has grown to a contagion-level threat with recent large-scale data breaches. ”

Then there’s a story from Tyler Cohen Wood, cyber branch chief of an intelligence agency under the Department of Defense, who said its pennies to save the hassle and provide peace of mind. Her friend had a nightmare situation that took years of stress and attention to the world of red tape to deal with.

When Identity Theft Happens It’s In A Spectrum Of Severity

Sometimes it’s just a lost and stolen credit card and someone had a good guess about your zip code and could use it! And you see it within a month on your statement and you call you bank. You verify you did not make those purchases and off they go. identity theft

Sometimes an identity theft takes you whole life, in essence. It’s possible for someone to get a car loan in your name, and then not pay it! Steal the car, and leave you dealing with the debt.

Catching the theft QUICK is key to minimizing damage. Unchecked, you are shark bait. Good Luck!

The argument against getting identity theft protection is that you can check your credit yourself. And you can! But you’ll be hard pressed to find a frequent credit check that’s free. Then you need to interpret the information; deal with it. In those 15 minutes you could have made 3.33 dollars, working at minimum wage. Instead you saved .33 cents.

This is my favorite argument for buying in…if everyone had professional identity theft protection then desperate people considering this option will be far, far less likely to do it…because every person they targeted would be alerted right away of the new activity. Then the most desperate could get savvy and innovative, except the money is in the hands of the super hero…staying one step ahead of them as a full-time job. Don’t you have other jobs to do? Rather than worry about potential delinquent behavior of imperfect strangers?

Our World Would be Safer If Identity Theft Were A Given For Everyone

The fact that it’s out there and that’s well known…is a deterrent to the crime. Sure, you could piggy-back on that…forget to check all your information, accounts and WA la!

If people checked their credit themselves…open new PO boxes in a different zip code to associate with their accounts…there is a hassle and a likelihood that it wouldn’t get done! Because it’s not an imminent  threat, right? You cannot see identity thieves…and with so much shark bait it’s an intriguing option of getting away with it

identity theft

It’s an act of common courtesy. It’s job creation for families. It’s a bill that you can automate, NEVER think about it…and it builds credit all while you aren’t looking.

Click here to get your minimum at .33cents/day

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The post Minimum .33 Cents Per Day To Avoid Identity Theft Calamity appeared first on Ultimate Identity Protection Services.

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The Importance Of Insurance Planning

Posted by Willow Tufts | Posted in Financial Advisement, Personal Finance | Posted on 23-06-2016

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Insurance is kind of like flossing. Everyone knows you should do it, but rarely people actually do. Now that is definitely not a safe wDental_floss_(whole) insurance planningay to think about insurance, the thing that could keep you and your family safe in the face of tragedy, but it is the sad reality.

It may just be a poor way of thinking on the part of the average person when they decide to pass on Insurance Planning. But lets try to change that.


Why Insurance Planning?

Risk management should form the basis of any financial plan. It’s the first thing you should look at before investing — it’s critical. The easiest and most cost-effective way for most people to handle these risks is through insurance products, such as disability, life and long-term-care insurance.

That may be common knowledge, but discomfort with the subjects and the complexity of insurance products prevent many people from obtaining necessary coverage in advance of a life-changing event, according to experts. You never want to leave you and your family out to dry because you felt uncomfortable taking about things that could possibly happen.

Don’t let that be the reality for you.


What You Should Do?

You should get an insurance plan together. To keep the things in your life that you care about safe and protected. download insurance planning



The Sub Prime Credit Store has an amazing Insurance Planning services. Life, Health, Home, Auto, Legal, Disability, and Renters insurance to make sure that you are properly covered in the case of a disaster.







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