How the New Credit Card Chip Technology Will Support ID Theft

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Identity Theft, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 08-02-2016

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Businesses have to be keen on this new development in the financial stratosphere when you’re thinking about it, for plenty of reasons. Aside from the fact that the transition to credit card chip technology will incorporate a nationwide spread of new card-reading machines (more investment for businesses, unfortunately), there’s one other subject companies everywhere would love to learn more about: identity theft.

Will This New Credit Card Chip Technology Protect More?

Good question. This doesn’t just revolve around the consumer, but the business. Ever lend your business credit card to the intern? Not a smart move…. You can imagine just how important it is to ensure that credit card fraud never steps foot into your business, and the concept of someone stealing somebody’s information — either customer, client, or business — is earth-shattering at best.

However, the computer chip raises a beautiful question. Hackers don’t care. A chip can be hacked into. credit card chip technology-1But everyone’s saying that this new credit card chip technology’s going to change the landscape as far as credit card fraud and ID theft is concerned (it’s already happening a ton overseas where EMV’s been changing the way people spend money).

Here’s why credit card chip technology will make things better — the main problem with the magnetic strip credit card is the fact that the strip holds all the data and it never changes. That means if anyone ever gets a hold of your one little strip (they don’t even need to steal the card) and copies it (that’s really all they need to do), you can go about your life still having your card (no one stole it!) while some ID thief runs around with a copycat card, spending all your money.

That magnetic strip is a prime target for ID theft.

What the computer chip-enabled card does, however, is allow the user to swipe it, have the machine read it; and the chip itself develops a unique ‘transaction code’ that can never be used again. It, therefore, means, you can buy 15 separate candy bars, the card will read it 15 separate times, and each time will be virtually unique from every other time.

Not one thief would be able to steal your information. Each transaction is encoded through the chip and never gets stored anywhere. It’s processed and then dies a lovely death in cyberspace, basically. Therefore, your information can’t ever be pulled from the card.

Of Course, These ID Thieves Are Resourceful!

The hope is the new credit card chip technology will change the way credit card fraud happens. As in never. But the problem with ID theft is there’s always a way. It’s like that bad penny always turning up. The good news is that this new development will certainly make it easier for Ultimate Identity Protection and other partners to do what they do best. Protect your identity.

Visit our Google+ page. Sign up today! And be on the lookout for your new computer chip-enabled credit card.






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The post How the New Credit Card Chip Technology Will Support ID Theft appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.




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Your Credit Card Is an Open Book. So Close It!

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Identity Theft | Posted on 22-01-2016

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We take for granted the fact that our little pieces of plastic just may be the keys to our true prized possessions: our identities. But why are we so casual about our credit cards then? After all, they’re just plastic flash cards with obscure numbers on them, and it’s hard to believe anyone could steal our identities just from copying down those numbers. Security’s pretty steely these days, we think, so how can any hacker do anything without actually stealing our credit cards? And even then, there are precautions taken for anyone using a stolen credit card. Yet, we should still be worried….

The Reason Why We Should Still Be Worried Is That Credit Card Access Is Easy With the Right Kind of Information

credit card theft

That one little credit card has all the pertinent information a hacker or identity theft aficionado would need — your credit card number, expiration date, your name, and your security code. When you think about it, that’s really all thieves would need.

Therefore, whenever you hand your credit card or debit card to anyone — even a waitress — you run the slight risk that the person just might be a cyber-criminal of the worst kind — committing identity fraud and stealing your resources, your assets, your everything, simply by copying numbers down.

You Could Be Using an ATM and Someone Might Be Looking Over Your Shoulder

It doesn’t take much effort to steal someone’s information. Identity thieves aren’t stupid, unlike some idiots out there. A thief doesn’t necessarily have to steal the actual card. What’s important is the information. More importantly, grocery lines are ripe pickings for identity theft as anyone with a smartphone could simply snap a picture on the other side of a line while the cashier’s not looking, get the numbers from the credit card or debit card swiped, and then use that information to purchase a new car or something. It’s that simple.

Be careful, please. You’re walking around with a giant vault, unlocked, and loaded with not only all the cash you have on you, but all the potential you have in securing loans and new lines of credit. Not a whole lot of financial quality control to work with there. Current credit lines, too, are in danger. When you think about it, it’s not that hard for an identity thief to get a hold of your information.

Identity Theft Protection Is, Therefore, Essential

You’re never 100% risk-free. Just remember that. You can even have a stolen-card policy with your credit card company, but it won’t matter as long as the criminal has your information. Make it a point to get in with the ultimate identity protection service out there, or LifeLock especially. Identity theft is the most dangerous crime in the U.S. these days — and your credit card has now earned another notch on your belt as your biggest weakness!

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4 Top Infamous Thieves Having NOTHING to Do With Identity Theft

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Identity Theft | Posted on 22-01-2016

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What does a thief look like in modern society? Are they strung-out crackheads? Or the devilishly good-looking James Bond types that you see on TV? Does it matter? In all honesty, no.

The Thief of Today’s Age Can Be Anyone

Your 16-year-old babysitter, the nerd you picked on in high school, and even your boss. And why is that?identity theft nerd Because today the largest growing trend in thievery is identity theft, a crime where the criminal doesn’t even need to have a face, or even a “personality”! More than ever there has been a need to enroll in identity theft protection.

But if that doesn’t convince you of why you need the credit monitoring, restoration, alerts and even credit repair associated with something like LifeLock or Identity Guard, know this….

Even the Top Infamous Thieves of Our Age Wouldn’t Know How to Be Criminals of Identity Theft!

And that’s saying a lot right there. Ever heard of Robin Hood, the famous man in tights serving the poor?Or how about Robert Louis Stevenson’s fickle pirate Long John Silver and his hunger for treasure? Even the sexy and dangerous gangster couple Bonnie and Clyde would be scratching their heads about social media and bank accounts, because back then it was all about the tommy gun and toting bags of cash. Plus you can’t even beat Ali Baba in stumbling onto a secret lair saying “open sesame” and stealing from 40 other thieves (but he certainly couldn’t scam and hack his way into your daughter’s Facebook account, we think!).

These four thieves wouldn’t know what to do with this scheme called identity theft. It’s above and beyond them. They committed crimes, sometimes in the worst way — either fictionally or historically — yet your everyday identity thief could do so much more.

So take this advice — protect your identity. Immediately.




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Secret Tips on How to Avoid Phishing Scams

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Identity Theft | Posted on 22-01-2016

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In today’s technology-driven world, the internet plays a massive role in spreading information. However, there are certain people and things that everyone should be aware of while using the internet. People such as cyber-criminals implementing identity theft, credit card fraud and other vices deceive internet users into revealing sensitive and critical information unknowingly.

What Is Phishing?

Phishing scams are classified as an email fraud method in which legitimate-appearing emails are sent by the perpetrator (phishers) to gather personal and financial information from the recipients. Usually, the phishing scamsphishing scams appear to come from trustworthy and well-known websites such as Google, Yahoo, PayPal, or from banks and financial organizations.

Information usually sought by perpetrators of phishing scams can include requests for:

  • Usernames and Passwords
  • Debit or Credit Card Details
  • Personal Identification Numbers
  • Bank Account Numbers and Details
  • Mothers’ Maiden Names
  • Birth Date and Year
  • Social Security Numbers

Phishing scams usually come in emails and even instant messages that would contain some link(s). Once you visit the link, you are taken to a “fake and replica” website. It is commonly seen that the phishing email request you to perform an action like “verify your account” or “confirm your card or billing information.” These emails also include a threat like “Your bank account will be deactivated if you do not click here“. If you provide information, you are a victim of phishing scams, a very effective form of identity theft, among many other chameleon styles of the crime.

How Do You Avoid Being a Victim of Phishing Scams?

  1. Do not respond to email solicitation for personal and/or financial information in emails.
  2. If you receive an email asking for details, contact the company directly but NOT with information provided in the “phishing” email.
  3. You should check security of the website before providing sensitive informative over the internet.
  4. Contact your financial institution on an immediate basis if you believe someone has compromised with your financial accounts.
  5. Hide your email address from social networking sites and online profiles or just allow specific people to view your information.
  6. Always update your contact information with financial institutions like banks so that you receive updates for all, including fraud transactions.
  7. Check your bank and financial statements regularly.
  8. Use strong passwords that should be large and a combination of special characters, digits, and alphabets both in small and upper cases. Never write or share your password.

If you do receive a phishing email, do not forget to report it to legitimate institution so you know there is someone to deal with it.

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How to Make Sure Identity Theft Doesn’t Drain Your Bank Account

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Identity Theft | Posted on 22-01-2016

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Identity theft is rampant these days. Anyone with a computer and enough gall can accomplish it, regardless of their intellectual prowess, and so bank accounts are being ruptured – and drained – with alarming regularity, but it is preventable with such services as LifeLock or Identity Guard.

Be Aware of Identity Theft: From the Moment of Inquiry

The next time someone asks you for your phone number, full name, or financial information, stop and identity theft-1ask yourself why do they need to know this? Then, stop and ask the person inquiring – why do you need to know this?

Identity thieves ask for important information, knowing that more often than not they will get a thoughtless, automatic response. So be vigilant about who you hand that information out to, and you might save yourself a lot of trouble.

Keep an Eye On Your Snail Mail, Without a Doubt

One method of identity theft is to take mail directly out of a mailbox. Don’t make it easy for them. Always drop your mail off at the post office instead of leaving it in your mailbox, and when you go on vacation, make sure you have your mail held instead of letting it pile up for thieves to take.

Don’t leave bills lying around where anyone can see them, and keep your personal information, such as credit cards, stored away safely.

Best of All, Watch the Internet, Because the Internet Watches You!

Most identity theft occurs online. Be smart about online financial transactions. Install firewalls and make sure the sites you’re spending money on are secure sites. Use creative passwords – random sequences of letters and numbers work best – and don’t give your financial information to just anyone

It’s hard to stop a criminal once they set their mind to committing a crime. But you can make yourself less likely to be a victim, and safeguard your financial well-being, credit history, and identity by being vigilant with the ultimate identity protection. As a result, you end up making sure you’re the only one spending your money.

The post How to Make Sure Identity Theft Doesn’t Drain Your Bank Account appeared first on IDENTITY THEFT PROGRAM REVIEWS.




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Why a CEO Should NEVER Let the Intern Use the Credit Card

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Identity Theft | Posted on 01-07-2015

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Sometimes trust can get you in trouble in huge ways: welcome to the world of identity theft. That’s why when it comes to finances, business bookkeeping, and business, as a CEO you honestly have to be careful, even with someone you know you can trust.

We Repeat: NEVER Let the Intern Use the Credit Card

Don’t let any employee, or even a partner without specific authorization, use the company credit card. Period. The reason being is twofold: you could be dealing with someone who just might run off and opennever let the intern use the credit card up new lines of credit, tarnishing the credit report, even contacting vendors and totally ruining the company from the ground up; or you could be handing over your credit card to someone who just might lose it, or have it in plain sight for a real identity thief to pull your information and wreak the same kind of havoc. The former situation is the worst-case scenario, obviously, as to why you should never let the intern use the credit card.

It’s basic corporate responsibility to never let the intern use the credit card, because it’s the business credit card. It’s your credit card. Don’t even lend the card to the intern or employee if you happen to be within a few feet of the individual! Always hold onto that piece of plastic and never let it go.

It’s That Kind of Identity Theft That Can Bring the Entire House Down

Ever heard of the “bigger they are, the harder they fall?” That’s the case here with identity theft. But if you never let the intern use the credit card, eliminating any risk of misplacement or crime, you ensure that your assets and funds, as much as they may be, will never be utilized to falsify anything.

Seriously, you can easily fall prey to something like student loans taken out in your name from 30 years ago, all because you happened to lend your credit card to someone for just a few minutes. And the result is your loans will garnish your entire 2-hour tax return, and the only way to get you out of that jam is to locate the written documents from all those years back, proving you’ve never took any loans out in the first place.

Talk about a massive domino effect.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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You’re probably wondering how you could possibly make money just from receiving our benefits. Easy. As a member of ITPN, we’ll put it in perspective for you: if you refer just one friend or family member to us each month, this is what you get, right in your pocket: $40 for each referral.income tax family

That’s $480 each year. In your pocket. Get the picture? Makes the Income Tax Planning Network’s $25/month membership seem like pennies when you think about it. And that’s just when you refer only one person a month to us. Want to do the math if you refer five people to us? Or ten people?

How can you not take advantage of this unique benefit?

Thank You for Helping Us Grow Our Family. Your Family.

Thank you for being a part of this family. Please do call our office at 888-203-3030 to set up your free marketing training, starting you off on generating revenue with us right away.




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