The Best Investment a College Student Will Make: a Smartphone
Encyclopedias and dictionaries made it so we didn't have to memorize our #education ; just alphabetical order and where the books are kept. Now the collection fits in the palm of our hands. With a smartphone anything you do not know you can find out!
A smartphone is like college insurance – insure your remember where to be, what to bring, and when and how to get there – insure your family doesn't lose importance and stays in your life- insure you'll remember things you'd otherwise forget — insure you'll take advantage of all the perks around you.
Smartphones are smart for your #education .
You can store notes in the cloud.
"My dog ate my homework" was an excuse that died with Google Drive. Reprint it, then!
You can check your due dates and in a pinch respond on your class discussion board using the tiny handheld keyboard. Minimize your texting grammar, please.
On google maps you can estimate how long it takes to walk between buildings so you can maximize your sit and play games time.
Or you can utilize your smartphone for study-cation…
Do your taxes…
You can get rides and places to crash in a few minutes with apps like Uber and Airbnb.
Want a date with someone who can talk about your thesis project? Find that person on any number of dating sites.
Social networking in college IS career networking. Social networking with media is better and a smartphone is the means by which you enhance your career opportunities later on.
What about that family who is needy now and feels out of touch. The ability to Facetime you or Skype with you at any time is precious for you family maintenance.
Smartphones make YOU a useful mobile 'device'-employee-student-family member. It keeps your head space clear for school because your phone can remember all the rest; it's smart.
It might even help keep you safe! At least happy – one cannot be lonely away from home with pocket friends in the phone box.
Now if you can only remember where the phone IS…
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