Are You Making The Same Mistake With Your 401K Like Most Millennials? The mistake is simple: they …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 10-06-2016

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Are You Making The Same Mistake With Your 401K Like Most Millennials?
The mistake is simple: they don't have one.
No retirement.
The kids are out the house, graduating college…thinking about mortgages, marriages and kids and 'parallel careers'…all those jobs.Most Millennials are not thinking about #retirement. Many #millennials work part-time, at multiple jobs…and part-time careers do not always offer a 40lk. Part might be a general apathy in Millennials and throwing their money down the tube of student loans is depressing.
But a #401k  would be pretty great for that mental health, and obviously for retirement.
Less fun now for some food later.
What a drag.
Making your bookkeeping an automated responsibility is just as easy for a 401k. #CBB  can track it for you!

The post Are You Making The Same Mistake With Your 401K Like Most Millennials?
The mistake is simple: they …
appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.

The post Are You Making The Same Mistake With Your 401K Like Most Millennials?
The mistake is simple: they …
appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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Millennials Are Making A Tragic Mistake With Their 401(k)s Instead of letting their #401(k) gath…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 10-06-2016

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Millennials Are Making A Tragic Mistake With Their 401(k)s

Instead of letting their #401(k) gathering all the money-blood than can over the lifetime of your career. Millennials get analytical like they do – look at their losses some quarter and pull the money, bleed-out. This will bite them later on.

Here's an alternative idea. Frustrated with the current returns on your get-old-well fund? Turn it into a self-directed #IRA and use that to purchase real estate…the return on the property when you flip it…if you flip it…or the rent monthly goes into the account. You just bought something concrete that reads as part of the net-worth of the account, still collecting…as it sits collecting either worth in that bull market appraisal…or collecting rent as well capitalizing on your return down you old, wiser road. You baller.

The Real Smart Thing To Do With Your 401(k) Is To Invest In Real Estate – The Complete Real Estate Site

Millennials are showing us what not to do with their 401(k), and here’s a smarter option if you use these secrets to your benefit!

The post Millennials Are Making A Tragic Mistake With Their 401(k)s Instead of letting their #401(k) gath… appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.

The post Millennials Are Making A Tragic Mistake With Their 401(k)s Instead of letting their #401(k) gath… appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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It’s Men Who Are The Gold Investors and It’s Women Who Are The Gold.. Men are more likely than wo…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 31-05-2016

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It's Men Who Are The Gold Investors and It's Women Who Are The Gold..

Men are more likely than women to invest in #gold as their #1 choice.

35% of Americans think Real Estate is smarter than Gold.

17% are all aboard the gold train.

It's a tool like #CBB  that could show the data on that one.

How do your investments pay off over-time; can you tell?

This is a picture of Pyrite, fool's gold; can you tell?

The post It’s Men Who Are The Gold Investors and It’s Women Who Are The Gold.. Men are more likely than wo… appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.




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Some Of The Wisest Choices Come In Dreams Tossing and turning over how to invest that tax return?…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 31-05-2016

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Some Of The Wisest Choices Come In Dreams

Tossing and turning over how to invest that tax return? Return on Investment? Return my taxes…Invest the taxes, tax the investment, vest in cement?


A Gallup Poll is in!

35% of Americans want to FIRST invest in real estate. UNLESS they are younger than 30, and are more likely to favor SAVINGS as their first choice. Visit our affiliate #hopetoown  

Looks like the millennial generation is saving for some kind of down pay… pay for somewhere to sleep… invest those taxes, tax the investment, pay to make money, make payments with mint …. zzz!

SWEET DREAMS, happy investing.




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2015 Turned Out to Be a Record in ID Theft Protection Spending for Yahoo! Looks like Yahoo decide…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance | Posted on 26-05-2016

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2015 Turned Out to Be a Record in ID Theft Protection Spending for Yahoo!

Looks like Yahoo decided to step their game up a bit! After recent realization that security threats and issues were extremely high and prevalent, Yahoo has decided to increase their spending on #IDtheftprotection . In 2015, Yahoo decided their CEO, Marissa Mayer, needed far more ID protection then they anticipated. They increased from their 2014 budget of $26,891, to a whopping $544,061! That's nearly 20X more! I guess Yahoo realized how important it is that they keep the identity of their CEO safe.

2 Reasons Why ID Theft Protection Is Paramount For Yahoo!

ID Theft Protection is crucial to have! Don’t think you’ll run into this problem? Neither did Yahoo’s CEO…click here for more info.

The post 2015 Turned Out to Be a Record in ID Theft Protection Spending for Yahoo! Looks like Yahoo decide… appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.




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Yahoo’s Spend on ID Theft Protection in 2014: Not Too Bad Yahoo recently, and by recently we mean…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 26-05-2016

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Yahoo’s Spend on ID Theft Protection in 2014: Not Too Bad

Yahoo recently, and by recently we mean a few years ago, started realizing the potential threats of identity theft. Because of this, they decided to invest in some form of #IDtheftprotection  for their CEO, Marissa Mayer. In the year 2014, Yahoo had spent approximately $26,891 to keep her identity secure. Kind of seems like pocket money from a multi-billion dollar company. Is that really enough to keep this head of a huge companies identity safe?

2 Reasons Why ID Theft Protection Is Paramount For Yahoo!

ID Theft Protection is crucial to have! Don’t think you’ll run into this problem? Neither did Yahoo’s CEO…click here for more info.

The post Yahoo’s Spend on ID Theft Protection in 2014: Not Too Bad Yahoo recently, and by recently we mean… appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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2 Major Reasons Why ID Theft Protection Is Paramount According to Yahoo!

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Identity Theft | Posted on 26-05-2016

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ShareFollow UsID theft. Ever heard of it? Probably. Ever run into an issue with it? Maybe not. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still run into this problem in the future. No one ever really plans on getting their identity stolen, it sort of just happens out of the blue. More then 15 Million […]

The post 2 Major Reasons Why ID Theft Protection Is Paramount According to Yahoo! appeared first on Ultimate Identity Protection Services.

The post 2 Major Reasons Why ID Theft Protection Is Paramount According to Yahoo! appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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The Millennial Cry For Help: Health Insurance Health Insurance. WHAT!? Did you say HEALTH INSURAN…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 10-05-2016

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The Millennial Cry For Help: Health Insurance

Health Insurance. WHAT!? Did you say HEALTH INSURANCE???? What's that? What's the right one for me? It raises a ton of questions, and when it comes to health insurance and #millennials , it doesn't come as a surprise that most of them don't know what it is, or how to get the right kind. Of 1,131 millennials polled, a huge percent, were talking 29% of millennials, received financial support and help from their parents when it came to getting health insurance. Were talking 328 people getting help from Mom and Dad. We don't blame them though., it's tough making sure you get the right kind, and that's why we have these offers for you.

4 Statistics About Millennials and Parental Financial Support

Millennials aren’t as independent as we thought they were! Here are 4 statistics/facts about millennials and financial support. Click here for more info.

The post The Millennial Cry For Help: Health Insurance Health Insurance. WHAT!? Did you say HEALTH INSURAN… appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.

The post The Millennial Cry For Help: Health Insurance Health Insurance. WHAT!? Did you say HEALTH INSURAN… appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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The Millennial Cry For Help: Finances It seems as though #millennials  aren’t as well off as th…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 10-05-2016

The Millennial Cry For Help: Finances

It seems as though #millennials  aren't as well off as they thought they were. 23% of wealthy millennials are seeking financial support from their parents for utilities and most of their finances. Nearly a quarter? That's crazy! That's about 260 people, of the 1,131 millennials polled. You would think having $100,000+ dollars, you wouldn't need financial advice. That's why we have these offers for you.

4 Statistics About Millennials and Parental Financial Support

Millennials aren’t as independent as we thought they were! Here are 4 statistics/facts about millennials and financial support. Click here for more info.




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Businesses Should Pow-Wow About How to Protect Against Identity Theft Learn from your mistakes. …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 04-05-2016

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Businesses Should Pow-Wow About How to Protect Against Identity Theft

Learn from your mistakes. Or better yet, learn from others. Similar businesses verticals that have run into problems with identity theft or show similar characteristics of attacks, are your new mold to avoiding multiple attacks on your #identity ! If there seems to be a pattern in companies like yours, take this knowledge and use it to your advantage! Avoid the footsteps made by others to ensure that your identity is safe.

5 Corporate Secrets to Effective ID Theft Protection

Worried about getting your identity stolen? There’s a way to fix that! Here are 5 corporate secrets to having effective ID Theft Protection. Click here!

The post Businesses Should Pow-Wow About How to Protect Against Identity Theft Learn from your mistakes. … appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

  • Minimum Wage Jobs Don’t Often Guarantee Raises or Even Consistent Workweeks — Take it from many particular employees, most of them part-time, for certain fast-food chains. When the paychecks aren’t the same every other week, that makes budgeting all the more difficult for low-income families. Find out what those figures are right here.
  • Food Stamps, While Extensive, Can Fluctuate and Also Promote Bad Health — Think about it for a moment. There’s a lot of money already going into the fund, but the big problem is just what you can exactly buy with your food stamps. This is typically how it would work for a single mother with a low wage of $7.50/hour.
  • Yes, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Child Care Benefits — As much as they can possibly put into it, at least…. Given the kind of income they’re literally forced to bring in. Want to know just what they could be responsible for each week?
  • Additionally, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Rent and Housing Costs — Granted, there are no handouts. But the numbers might actually shock you when you put it into perspective like this.
  • Medicaid Will Only Provide for “so Much” to the Point That You’ll Just Want to Get By — It’s basic health insurance. But it’ll only cover certain procedures, prescriptions and other costs, plus there’s still some out-of-pocket concerns at such a low minimum wage that make Medicaid a bit laughable (not due to the government’s lack of assistance, though, and you’ll see why right here).

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

  • Minimum Wage Jobs Don’t Often Guarantee Raises or Even Consistent Workweeks — Take it from many particular employees, most of them part-time, for certain fast-food chains. When the paychecks aren’t the same every other week, that makes budgeting all the more difficult for low-income families. Find out what those figures are right here.
  • Food Stamps, While Extensive, Can Fluctuate and Also Promote Bad Health — Think about it for a moment. There’s a lot of money already going into the fund, but the big problem is just what you can exactly buy with your food stamps. This is typically how it would work for a single mother with a low wage of $7.50/hour.
  • Yes, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Child Care Benefits — As much as they can possibly put into it, at least…. Given the kind of income they’re literally forced to bring in. Want to know just what they could be responsible for each week?
  • Additionally, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Rent and Housing Costs — Granted, there are no handouts. But the numbers might actually shock you when you put it into perspective like this.
  • Medicaid Will Only Provide for “so Much” to the Point That You’ll Just Want to Get By — It’s basic health insurance. But it’ll only cover certain procedures, prescriptions and other costs, plus there’s still some out-of-pocket concerns at such a low minimum wage that make Medicaid a bit laughable (not due to the government’s lack of assistance, though, and you’ll see why right here).

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

  • Minimum Wage Jobs Don’t Often Guarantee Raises or Even Consistent Workweeks — Take it from many particular employees, most of them part-time, for certain fast-food chains. When the paychecks aren’t the same every other week, that makes budgeting all the more difficult for low-income families. Find out what those figures are right here.
  • Food Stamps, While Extensive, Can Fluctuate and Also Promote Bad Health — Think about it for a moment. There’s a lot of money already going into the fund, but the big problem is just what you can exactly buy with your food stamps. This is typically how it would work for a single mother with a low wage of $7.50/hour.
  • Yes, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Child Care Benefits — As much as they can possibly put into it, at least…. Given the kind of income they’re literally forced to bring in. Want to know just what they could be responsible for each week?
  • Additionally, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Rent and Housing Costs — Granted, there are no handouts. But the numbers might actually shock you when you put it into perspective like this.
  • Medicaid Will Only Provide for “so Much” to the Point That You’ll Just Want to Get By — It’s basic health insurance. But it’ll only cover certain procedures, prescriptions and other costs, plus there’s still some out-of-pocket concerns at such a low minimum wage that make Medicaid a bit laughable (not due to the government’s lack of assistance, though, and you’ll see why right here).

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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You’re probably wondering how you could possibly make money just from receiving our benefits. Easy. As a member of ITPN, we’ll put it in perspective for you: if you refer just one friend or family member to us each month, this is what you get, right in your pocket: $40 for each referral.income tax family

That’s $480 each year. In your pocket. Get the picture? Makes the Income Tax Planning Network’s $25/month membership seem like pennies when you think about it. And that’s just when you refer only one person a month to us. Want to do the math if you refer five people to us? Or ten people?

How can you not take advantage of this unique benefit?

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