Welcome to Your Ultimate Identity Protection #UIP While it’s true that your identity does exist…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government | Posted on 23-01-2016

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Welcome to Your Ultimate Identity Protection #UIP

While it's true that your identity does exist in the cloud and cyberspace, know this — what REALLY hurts you is what happens AFTER a thief steals your identity.

Not only does #IdentityTheft  ruin your online reputation, but it can ruin your entire future as well: your credit score, your ability to get a job, your friendships, your family.

Just about everything can come crumbling down…. All because someone got a hold of your social security number a few years ago.

Don't let it happen to you.

Sign up today and get started for just a $1 trial. Your identity's worth every penny.

The Ultimate Identity Protection

What is the ultimate identity protection? It’s not credit monitoring. Not alerts. Not even restoration services. It’s so much more; find out why right now!

The post Welcome to Your Ultimate Identity Protection #UIP While it’s true that your identity does exist… appeared first on INTERNET LEGAL PLANS.




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Just forget about the $35 monthly membership for the moment with #ITPN  (and everything that come…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 23-01-2016

Just forget about the $35 monthly membership for the moment with #ITPN  (and everything that comes with it). Just for a moment. And read this. Here you'll see a more comprehensive look at the collaborative effort that is the Income Tax Planning Network, and know that we're in it for the long haul with you.

The Benefit of a Collaborative Income Tax Planning Network

Everything’s connected: credit repair, identity theft protection, rent-to-own. Being a homeowner, though, requires this: an income tax planning network.




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Reason 4 Why #LGBT #Workplace #Discrimination Will Be No More: #ProcterGamble Gay marriage …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 23-01-2016

Reason 4 Why #LGBT #Workplace #Discrimination Will Be No More: #ProcterGamble

Gay marriage has taken its place as an institution protected by the government, but those small businesses? — What if they have any issues with allowing employees to marry the same sex? Better watch out for Procter & Gamble!

Most citizens haven't heard of the name — that's because they're everywhere. They're arguably the largest American consumer goods company known to man with a workforce numbering at the 127K range as reported in 2010.

We're thinking chances are there will be a plethora of jobs as well as security for the LGBT community at THIS company. Without a doubt.

Worry Not About LGBT Workplace Discrimination

We recently seen the news about Kim Davis, Pope Francis, and the gay marriage thing, so everyone’s worried about workplace discrimination. Fear not, though!




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#CBB: Streamlined #Bookkeeping Services. Turnkey. Automated. Why hire us? Why consider us? Why ev…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 23-01-2016

#CBB: Streamlined #Bookkeeping Services. Turnkey. Automated.

Why hire us? Why consider us? Why even look into Cloud Based Bookkeeping, an affiliate of #HopetoOwn, as a solution for your business' financial needs? It's simple….

We manage everything for you in the cloud. For a cost much less than that of your typical in-house corporate CPA. THAT'S the bonus you get. No overhead. No micro-management. No need to waste YOUR time in your business making sure what needs to get done GETS DONE. We'll do it for you.

We're the specialists. The experts. The go-to. So the next time you're facing that tax audit, or you need some business expense planning and you don't want to have to put an ad in the paper to hire someone in the accounting department — contact us at the CBB.

Cloud Based Bookkeeping

By submitting this form, I agree that The H.O.P.E. Program, including its affiliates, may contact me regarding its programs and offers via email or telephone using automated technology to any wireless number I provide in order to provide me with important information and exclusive offers.




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Surprising Tip: Living Near a School’s Good for Property Value (Even When You’re Single!) Doesn’t…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 22-01-2016

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Surprising Tip: Living Near a School’s Good for Property Value (Even When You’re Single!)

Doesn't make sense, right? Right. But in this #realestate industry, it makes perfect sense. Here's why:

Research has already shown that families often with seek neighborhoods with quality schools in the area. It's convenient. It means safety. Skill. So then ask yourself this important question — what does that do with home value? A lot.

It's been shown, in fact, that a high-scoring school can increase your OWN home's value by more than $200K! That's a lot of ROI on your plate in the event you ever sell the home down the road. Talk about getting some money back for your investment….

3 Reasons Why You’ll Check the Neighborhood Before Purchasing That Home

Many think it’s all about the house. The interior. The exterior. The curb appeal. Even the property value. While all tho…




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Reason 5 Why #LGBT #Workplace #Discrimination Will Be No More: #ATT We had to hashtag like …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 22-01-2016

Reason 5 Why #LGBT #Workplace #Discrimination Will Be No More: #ATT

We had to hashtag like that, but if there's ANY confusion as to what company that is, we'll add the ampersand in there: AT&T. That's right — the age-old and timeless telecommunications company, still kicking and still taking names in the niche like you wouldn't believe.

And they support the LGBT community. That global coalition: that's the reason. But just how much support can AT&T give? Well, here's just how big AT&T really is:

In 2014, AT&T employed more than 240K workers. The year before that, the corporation's generated well over 120B in revenue. AT&T to this day is ranked among the top 10 most valuable brands worldwide and has a U.S. market share of the mobile cellular industry of more than 30%.


Worry Not About LGBT Workplace Discrimination

We recently seen the news about Kim Davis, Pope Francis, and the gay marriage thing, so everyone’s worried about workplace discrimination. Fear not, though!




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Yes, we’ve been talked about at length for quite awhile…. Look at who’s been spouting out the go…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 22-01-2016

Yes, we've been talked about at length for quite awhile…. Look at who's been spouting out the goods on the #ITPN. You'll see then that the Income Tax Planning Network's more than just a service. It's a PRIVILEGE.

How to Research Reviews on the Income Tax Planning Network

Perhaps you’re STILL not getting a good feeling of the value behind the Income Tax Planning Network. If so, you’ll feel good when reading THIS!




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#Financial   #Advisement  is crucial in business. But just what do you need to ask, as a business,…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 22-01-2016

#Financial   #Advisement  is crucial in business. But just what do you need to ask, as a business, when sitting with YOUR financial advisor? Here are a good set of questions you really absolutely HAVE to ask. Courtesy of #CBB.

18 Awesome Inquiries to Ask a Financial Advisor

Why do you need to ask a financial advisor questions during a consultation? Because you deserve the best person for the job, of course!




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How #IDTheft  Can Turn Into a #CPS  Nightmare Only with identity theft can your life turn into …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance | Posted on 22-01-2016

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How #IDTheft  Can Turn Into a #CPS  Nightmare

Only with identity theft can your life turn into a fiasco ripe for a family political drama about drugs and drug trafficking. Like being at the movies. Think of the worst situation ever where you're minding your own business at home and you get a call about your baby born with methamphetamine. Can it happen to you? Yes, it can — if you don't have UIP protecting you.

Meet Anndorie Sachs, a mother of four, enrolled in the University of Utah, going about her routine when she receives a rather troubling phone call from Child Protective Services about her newborn baby(?). This presents a problem; because that newborn baby tested positive for drugs. Makes her a bad mother, don't you think? Except for one important piece of truth: SHE DIDN'T GIVE BIRTH TO ANY BABY RECENTLY.

The sad fact is that CPS didn't believe her, drag her through a difficult investigative process until it was discovered that Sachs' car was broken into, her driver's license stolen, and used at a hospital to confirm identity by, you guessed it, a pregnant meth addict. You can see the pieces of this cinema puzzle falling into place now….

Sadly, even after proof was submitted, CPS refused to believe that Sachs wasn't the mother of this poor child born positive with drugs. That is, until she willingly submitted to a DNA test, proving who she was all along. Of course, that didn't stop the hospital from charging Sachs with the bill — $10K in expenses for the baby she DIDN'T deliver on the day she DIDN'T go to the hospital.

You want our advice? Sign up for ID theft protection RIGHT NOW.

8 Identity Theft Stories That’ll “Awaken the Force” in You

By now you’ll agree that the saga that is Star Wars is itself a number of identity theft stories rolled into one. That should tell you something!

The post How #IDTheft  Can Turn Into a #CPS  Nightmare Only with identity theft can your life turn into … appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.




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Make no mistake, there are posers out there when it comes to #creditrepair. You can rest assured, …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Financial Advisement, Personal Finance | Posted on 22-01-2016

Make no mistake, there are posers out there when it comes to #creditrepair. You can rest assured, though, that #ICS  has all of their numbers down for annihilation! They. Will. Pay.

How Sherlock Holmes Would Spot Credit Repair Scams

Elementary, my dear Watson…. these credit repair scams are about as dastardly as the hounds of baskerville and Professor Moriarty, don’t you think?




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

  • Minimum Wage Jobs Don’t Often Guarantee Raises or Even Consistent Workweeks — Take it from many particular employees, most of them part-time, for certain fast-food chains. When the paychecks aren’t the same every other week, that makes budgeting all the more difficult for low-income families. Find out what those figures are right here.
  • Food Stamps, While Extensive, Can Fluctuate and Also Promote Bad Health — Think about it for a moment. There’s a lot of money already going into the fund, but the big problem is just what you can exactly buy with your food stamps. This is typically how it would work for a single mother with a low wage of $7.50/hour.
  • Yes, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Child Care Benefits — As much as they can possibly put into it, at least…. Given the kind of income they’re literally forced to bring in. Want to know just what they could be responsible for each week?
  • Additionally, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Rent and Housing Costs — Granted, there are no handouts. But the numbers might actually shock you when you put it into perspective like this.
  • Medicaid Will Only Provide for “so Much” to the Point That You’ll Just Want to Get By — It’s basic health insurance. But it’ll only cover certain procedures, prescriptions and other costs, plus there’s still some out-of-pocket concerns at such a low minimum wage that make Medicaid a bit laughable (not due to the government’s lack of assistance, though, and you’ll see why right here).

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

  • Minimum Wage Jobs Don’t Often Guarantee Raises or Even Consistent Workweeks — Take it from many particular employees, most of them part-time, for certain fast-food chains. When the paychecks aren’t the same every other week, that makes budgeting all the more difficult for low-income families. Find out what those figures are right here.
  • Food Stamps, While Extensive, Can Fluctuate and Also Promote Bad Health — Think about it for a moment. There’s a lot of money already going into the fund, but the big problem is just what you can exactly buy with your food stamps. This is typically how it would work for a single mother with a low wage of $7.50/hour.
  • Yes, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Child Care Benefits — As much as they can possibly put into it, at least…. Given the kind of income they’re literally forced to bring in. Want to know just what they could be responsible for each week?
  • Additionally, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Rent and Housing Costs — Granted, there are no handouts. But the numbers might actually shock you when you put it into perspective like this.
  • Medicaid Will Only Provide for “so Much” to the Point That You’ll Just Want to Get By — It’s basic health insurance. But it’ll only cover certain procedures, prescriptions and other costs, plus there’s still some out-of-pocket concerns at such a low minimum wage that make Medicaid a bit laughable (not due to the government’s lack of assistance, though, and you’ll see why right here).

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

  • Minimum Wage Jobs Don’t Often Guarantee Raises or Even Consistent Workweeks — Take it from many particular employees, most of them part-time, for certain fast-food chains. When the paychecks aren’t the same every other week, that makes budgeting all the more difficult for low-income families. Find out what those figures are right here.
  • Food Stamps, While Extensive, Can Fluctuate and Also Promote Bad Health — Think about it for a moment. There’s a lot of money already going into the fund, but the big problem is just what you can exactly buy with your food stamps. This is typically how it would work for a single mother with a low wage of $7.50/hour.
  • Yes, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Child Care Benefits — As much as they can possibly put into it, at least…. Given the kind of income they’re literally forced to bring in. Want to know just what they could be responsible for each week?
  • Additionally, Low-Income Families Do Put Their Share Into Rent and Housing Costs — Granted, there are no handouts. But the numbers might actually shock you when you put it into perspective like this.
  • Medicaid Will Only Provide for “so Much” to the Point That You’ll Just Want to Get By — It’s basic health insurance. But it’ll only cover certain procedures, prescriptions and other costs, plus there’s still some out-of-pocket concerns at such a low minimum wage that make Medicaid a bit laughable (not due to the government’s lack of assistance, though, and you’ll see why right here).

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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You’re probably wondering how you could possibly make money just from receiving our benefits. Easy. As a member of ITPN, we’ll put it in perspective for you: if you refer just one friend or family member to us each month, this is what you get, right in your pocket: $40 for each referral.income tax family

That’s $480 each year. In your pocket. Get the picture? Makes the Income Tax Planning Network’s $25/month membership seem like pennies when you think about it. And that’s just when you refer only one person a month to us. Want to do the math if you refer five people to us? Or ten people?

How can you not take advantage of this unique benefit?

Thank You for Helping Us Grow Our Family. Your Family.

Thank you for being a part of this family. Please do call our office at 888-203-3030 to set up your free marketing training, starting you off on generating revenue with us right away.




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