What Frederick Douglass Says About Slavery and Employment and Why It’s Relevant Even Today With c…
Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 29-04-2016
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What Frederick Douglass Says About Slavery and Employment and Why It's Relevant Even Today
With companies taking charge and control over prisoners and their work schedules, does this make things easier for the companies and the U.S. job market? Douglass states that: "Companies assume charge of the convicts, work them as cheap labor, and pay the states a handsome revenue for their labor." Why is this important? Companies are controlling everything that happens to the victims, and are essentially controlling the slavery that is now present.
Thought slavery was abolished in the 1800’s? Think again. Slavery is still among us today, and affecting the U.S. job market. Click here to learn more.
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